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261 世尊今天告诉我们某些重要的指示,以让我们在灵性道路上取得平稳的进展。 |
Jan 30, 2012: Bhagawan gives us today, certain important instructions to make steady progress in the Godward path.
Be silent yourself; that will induce silence in others. Do not fall into the habit of shouting, talking loudly or for long. Reduce contacts to the minimum. Carry with you an atmosphere of quiet contemplation, wherever you happen to be. There are some who live in a perpetual tornado of noise. Whether they are in an exhibition, a fair, a hotel, a temple or even in Prashanthi Nilayam; their wagging tongues do not stop. Such people will not proceed far on the Godward path.
There are others who relish disputes and arguments; they are never content with obvious facts; they must create doubts where none existed before, and shake faith. They dispute whether Rama is superior to Krishna, or whether Krishna is a fuller incarnation of Godhead! People who have not touched the outskirts of the Capital City dare dispute about the appearance and glory of the Emperor, who resides in the Palace in the heart of the City! That is the pitiable state of scholarship today.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 30, 1965. |
另外有些人,则性好争执与辩论,明显易见的事实永远不能令他们满意,非要无中生有,制造疑惑,动摇信心不可,连罗摩(Rama)与克里希那两位道成肉身孰高孰低,他们都要争论! 皇帝住在京城中心的皇宫内,这些人连京城的边都没有沾到,却好意思争论皇帝的容貌和荣耀! 这就是今日学者的悲哀。
Silence is the speech of the spiritual seeker.
[赛的启示] |