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260 世尊今天向我们解释神的化身(Avatar)的真实本质。
Jan 29, 2012: Bhagawan explains the true nature of an Avatar to us today.

What exactly do people mean when they say the Sun has risen or that it has set? It is so far as their vision is concerned; that is all, is it not? The Sun does not rise or set. The incarnation of God is also like that. In the Geetha, Krishna said: “I am not born, nor do I die. Men of ordinary intellect consider that I am born many times and that I do many deeds during each birth. Whenever there is a need for the uplift of the world, I become manifest, assuming a name and form, that is all. So I am conscious of all My appearances, all My manifestations. I am almighty, I am Sarvajna (all knowing). Not only I, even you know everything. But your Jnana (wisdom) is overwhelmed by ajnana (ignorance). I am Jnana itself. I remain as almighty and as Sarvajna as ever. I am birthless, immortal”.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 7.
当人们说“旭日东升”或“夕阳西下”时,他们指的究竟是何意? 那是就他们所看到的景象而言;不过如此而已,是不是? 太阳既不升起也不沉落。神的化身也是如此。在《薄伽梵歌》里头,主克里希那说:“吾不生,亦不死。凡夫俗子认为吾出生过许多世,每一世都做了许多事。每逢世间沉沦,吾即以色身示现,有个名,有个相,不过如此而已。故所有吾之示现,吾皆知之。吾全知全能。然非仅吾如此,汝亦为正遍知,惜汝之般若智能为无明所盖。吾即般若,全知全能,不生不灭。”
He who is steady in Wisdom stands closest in the company of the Lord.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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