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258 作为信徒,我们应该具备什么特性?世尊举了阿周那(Arjuna)的例子来说明。
Jan 27, 2012: What are the attributes we should endeavor to possess as devotees? Bhagawan explains through the example of Arjuna.

If Arjuna was an individual like others, he could not have been an effective instrument, a recipient and transmitter of great teachings. He is a hero who has defeated not merely the outer foes, but even the inner ones. Weak hearts cannot grasp the Geetha and put it into practice. It is with this full knowledge that Krishna selected Arjuna and showered on him His overpowering grace. Once Krishna said: "Arjuna, you are My closest Bhaktha (devotee); you are also My dearest friend. That is the reason why I taught you this supreme, secret teaching." Reflect on this! To get the title from the Lord Himself is the highest credential and good fortune, which reflects how pure-hearted and deserving Arjuna was. Bhakthi (devotion) must be won by implicit obedience. But being a devotee alone is not sufficient. Hence Krishna uses the word mithra (friend). The friend has no fear; that makes him a more perfect recipient.
- Geeta Vahini, Ch 7.
如果阿周那只是一个普通人,他就不会是一件有效的工具,不会成为伟大教诲的接收者和传声者,所以,你一定会推论,阿周那是位了不起的人物。他是英雄,不但战胜了外在敌人,还战胜了内在敌人。软弱的人无法领会《薄伽梵歌》并加以实践,主克里希那很清楚这一点,祂选择了阿周那,赐予他恩典,如甘露法雨。有一回克里希那说:“阿周那,你是我最亲近的信徒,也是我最亲的朋友,所以我传授你这个无上之秘。”沉思一下这件事! 得到主亲自给予的头衔,是至高的证件和好运,显示阿周那的心有多纯洁清净,多么值得这恩典。巴克缇(虔诚)一定要靠毫无保留的服从来赢得,可是那还不够,所以主克里希那用了“朋友”这一词,友情中没有惧怕,那使得阿周那成为更完美的接收者。
He who is ever ready to sacrifice his comfort for helping another, is the genuine devotee.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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