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257 我们必须经常关注的目标是什么?为什么?世尊重申我们此生的目的。
Jan 26, 2012: What is the goal we must always keep in sight and why? Bhagawan reiterates the very purpose of this birth to us today.

Victory at the election ensures power only for a specific period. When that period ends, the politician has to contest once again and seek votes. So too, good acts done with attachment will ensure a place in Heaven, but when the deposit is spent out, one will have to return to Earth. A person visiting a city with some cash in hand is the master of all the bazaars, cinema halls, hotels and taxis, but only to the extent the money lasts. When the purse is rendered empty, one has to escape back into his village or city of origin, perhaps as a ticketless traveller, harassed by policemen at every halt! No, heaven is no solution for the hunger of the soul! The river must reach the sea, not the desert sands; the waters have to merge with water. That is the consummation named Kaivalya or Saayujya. Keep that goal of merging with the One Lord, ever in your focus and have your wavering mind continuously in leash.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 30 1965.
在选举中获胜,只保证能当权一段时间,等那段时间结束了,政治家又要再竞选,再拉选票。同样道理,带着执着心去行善,能确保上天堂,但是当福报的存款用光之后,他还是得重回人间。他带着钱进城,有钱是大爷,摊位老板、电影院、旅馆、出租车悉听使唤,但这只是当他还有钱时才如此,当口袋里的钱花光以后,他就只好溜回村里或原来住的城市,恐怕连车票都没有,每停一站,警察都来骚扰! 不,不是,天堂不是解决灵魂饥饿的方法! 河川必须抵达大海,而非沙漠,众水流要和水汇合,那就是所谓Kaivalya或Saayujya的圆满之境。要始终抱持与上主合一这个目标,控制自己摇摆不定的心。
The realisation of God is the goal and destiny of human life."
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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