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255 什么是“重建正法”?怎样实行? |
Jan 21, 2012: What is the meaning of ‘establishing of dharma’ and how can it be done? Bhagawan explains to us today.
Right Conduct (Dharma) is the quality which makes a human out of an animal. This Sahajadharma (natural conduct) of human beings has been overpowered in course of time; those who supported and encouraged it, and derived joy from it have declined in numbers. This is akin to the weed overpowering the crop. So the 'establishment of Dharma' is a matter of weeding of the field! In this iron age (Kaliyuga), Dharma has been reduced to mere words. Dharma is not manipulation of words. "Sathyam Vada, Dharmam Chara" (Speak Truth and Practice Righteousness) - has been the clarion call of the Upanishads, the repositories of Indian culture. However in the present times, "Dharmam vada," (Speak about Right Conduct) has become the order of the day! That is the first step in the decline of Dharma! Know that that which is not practised cannot possess strength. Understand this truth and practise Dharma in your lives.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 7. |
正当的行为(Dharma:义),这项质量,将人从禽兽变成人,这项人类自然的行为(Sahajadharma)却随着时代进展而被压倒了,支持它、鼓励它,并从中得乐的人愈来愈少。这酷似野草压倒了农作物。所以,重建正法(Dharma:义)就是田里除草! 在这个末法时代(Kaliyuga),义已经沦为只在嘴巴上讲讲。义不是只在那里玩弄文字,“言真,行义。”乃是印度文化的仓库 ──《奥义书》的响亮昭告,而现在却是“言义”(光是空谈义)当道! 这就是法(Dharma:义)衰微的第一步! 要了解,不加以实践,就不会具有力量。要了解这项真理,并在人生中实践义。
To secure the grace of God, you must adhere to right conduct and observe purity in thought, word and deed.
[赛的启示] |