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248 如何可以快速地确定:到底我们行动时,抱着“行动者是我”的感觉,或是,奉献与坚忍不拔的心态?
Jan 14, 2012: How can we quickly identify if we are working with a feeling of ‘I am the doer’ or in a mode of surrender, with fortitude? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Think about this: when you are well, no one inquires about your health. But if you are struck with illness or sorrow, you are bombarded with anxious queries. Why this anxiety? Because man’s fundamental nature is to be happy and healthy. Your nature is joy. So when you are happy and healthy, no one is surprised or worried. Grief and sorrow are unnatural, and are the result of a delusion that has overwhelmed one’s nature.

Imagine the patience with which the Sun puts up with all that extreme heat, and gives sufficient warmth to the human body, every single day. Human beings are so full of activity and intelligence on account of the solar energy that is imbibed. If the Sun is idle even for a moment, the whole world will go cold and dark. Instead, He is fostering the world. He feels it as His Mission, His Purpose, and not as His Service.

Likewise, it is only in the karma that is your very nature that you can have fortitude. If you do a task as an assumed duty, you will find it difficult to put up with the troubles and travails that may come along with it. Assumed karma is called Asahaja Karma and karma that is the expression of one’s genuine self is Sahaja Karma. Now, Sahaja Karma will sit light and Asahaja Karma will always be a burden. Asahaja Karma will induce conceit, or the feeling“I am the doer”; so it will result in exhaustion or elation, disgust or pride.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 6.
想一想:当你健康时,没有人来问你的健康,当你受到病疾或悲伤的打击时,大家都担心的来问候。为何会有这种担心? 因为人的基本天性是要快乐、要健康,你的本性是喜悦,所以当你快乐又健康时,没人讶异或担心。悲伤、忧愁不是自然状态,而是妄见造成的,那妄见淹没了一个人原有的天性。


同样道理,只有当那项行动是你的本性时,你才会坚忍不拔。如果你把一件事当做该负的职责,你会觉得很难忍受各种麻烦和辛劳。该负的职责称为Asahaja 行动(译注︰Asahaja = Non Sahaja = 非Sahaja),而那种出自天性表现的行动,称为Sahaja行动。Sahaja行动轻松愉快,Asahaja 行动永远是一项负担。Asahaja 行动会引发自负,会引发“做作者(行动者)是我”的心态,所以会导致不是筋疲力竭,就是洋洋得意,不是厌烦,就是骄傲。
The secret of happiness lies within you, not outside.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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