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246 没有比大自然更好的老师。那么,我们能向“大日”(太阳)学到什么呢?
Jan 12, 2012: There is no better teacher than nature. Then what is it that we can learn from the Sun God? Swami explains to us today.

The whole world is intimately associated with the Sun God. He is the visible manifestation of the Lord. In India, Sun God (Surya) is considered highly sacred and granted the unique status of a great Guru. Sun is also the source of time. Surya is the father of Time (Kala) as the Sastras declare. The Sun limits and regulates the number of years each one lives. The Sun diminishes every day a fraction of the allotted span. So the Sun is the supreme arbiter, the maker of man’s destiny. He performs His duty without thought of reward, and is humble and steady. Imagine the patience with which the Sun puts up with all that extreme heat, and gives sufficient warmth to the human body, every single day. Human beings are so full of activity and intelligence on account of the solar energy that is imbibed. If the Sun is idle even for a moment, the whole world will go cold and dark.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 6.
The whole world is like a book, read it well. Nature is the best teacher.
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