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243 家长和教师在塑造学生和青少年的人格方面扮演什么角色?
Jan 9, 2012: What is the role of parents and teachers in moulding the character of students and youngsters? Bhagawan explains to us today.

When studying in the primary classes many children conduct themselves with humility, discipline and goodness. However when they reach the Secondary School, they lose some of these qualities. When they go to college, almost everything is gone! Why? It is the teachers who account for their discipline and good behaviour in the Primary School. In the higher classes and in colleges, is anything done through precept and practice to promote character and spirituality among the students? Education is for developing right understanding. Work is for earning a living. Today, education is sought for getting a job; this is not proper. Students should imbibe culture along with academic knowledge.

Of all the professions in the world, that of the teacher is the most estimable. The teacher has to impart to the students what is good and ennobling. This is the true relationship between teachers and students. This is what should be developed in our educational institutions.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1990.
孩子们在小学时,行为举止都显出谦虚、纪律与善,到了初中高中,就失去了一部份这种品德,到了大学,几乎统统没了! 为什么会这样? 在小学里,他们的纪律和良好行为,是因为老师的缘故。在高中和大学,师长们有在用言教和身教来提升学生的品德和灵性吗? 教育是为了建立正确的知见,工作是为了谋生,今天,受教育变成是为了找份工作,这是不好的,除了吸收学术知识以外,学生也要吸收文化。在所有的专业中,教师最值得尊敬。老师应该灌输学生善和崇高的理念,这才是师生之间真正的关系,这才是该在我们的教育机构里建立起来的东西。
The whole world will prosper when students tread along the right path.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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