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241 “文化”一词的含义是什么? |
Jan 7, 2012: What is the meaning of the term 'Culture'? Bhagawan explains to us today.
What greater misfortune can there be than to cavil at others' faults and to be blind to one's own; to jeer at others' looks, not noticing one's own ugliness? To have such qualities from birth - can there be a greater sin than this? Embodiments of love! The observance of morality in daily life, the divinisation of all actions and thoughts, and adherence to ideals - all these together constitute culture. Students today do not make the requisite efforts to understand the sacredness and value of this culture. Samskrit, Samskriti, Samskara are all terms which have been derived from the roots, Sam and Krit. Bharatiya Samskriti (Indian culture) is a composite of purity, divinity, sublimity and beauty; not of narrow-minded ideas and ideals. "Lokaa samasthaas-sukhino bhavanthu!" (May all beings everywhere be happy) is the benedictory motto of our sacred culture.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 14 1990. |
吹毛求疵,揭人短处,却无视于自己的缺点;嘲笑别人的长像,却不知自己的丑陋,还有什么比这些更可悲的? 还有什么比天生就有这种丑陋性格更严重的罪? 各位爱的化身! 在生活中,遵守道德,神圣化自己的行动和思维,坚持理想,这些合起来,构成文化。今日的学生,都没有作必要的努力去了解这个(印度)文化的神圣性和价值。Samskrit、Samskriti、Samskara这些字都是从Sam和Krit两个字根衍生而来,Bharatiya Samskriti(印度文化)乃是纯洁清净、神性、崇高和美的合成,而非狭隘心态的产物,像“Lokaa samasthaas-sukhino bhavanthu!” ──“愿每个世界的所有众生皆得喜乐。”这种祝祷文,才是印度文化的座右铭。
Whoever loves and serves all, that person the Lord loves and honours.
[赛的启示] |