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240 我们为什么看到开悟的大师还是不断地参与世俗的活动?
Jan 6, 2012: Why do we see even enlightened Masters constantly involved in apparently worldly activities? Bhagawan mercifully explains to us today.

Does the airplane stay on above, denouncing the earth below? Those who have earned the right to travel in it cannot fly towards it! Therefore, to take them in, it has to come down at the places where they gather by previous arrangement, and then soar into the sky with them. So too, the spiritually evolved (Jnanis) who have no desire or urge to do Karma, come down and help those who would not make progress otherwise. The right way to perform action is to identify every aspect of the universe with the Universal Being and dedicate all acts unto Him. Always remember that one who is bound by the Deha-atma buddhi (the false idea that he is just this body and nothing more) can never win the game of life; one must acquire the Brahma-Atma-Buddhi (the awareness that he is Divine) to be sure of victory.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 6.
飞机难道一直留在天空,拒绝落地吗? 那些获权搭乘它旅行的人,总不能飞上去搭吧? 要让这些乘客进来,飞机得降落到大家事先约定好的地点,然后载着他们高飞。同样的,那些灵性层次很高的人(智者),虽然本身没有从事行动的欲望或冲动,却降临世间,来帮助一些人,那些人除非这样否则无法进步。要视整个宇宙为上帝的形体,一切行动皆奉献给祂。囿于“吾即此身”这种错误观念的人,人生是不会赢的;一定要有“吾乃梵(无所不在的上帝)也”的意识,才会赢得胜利。
Culture means giving up one's bad conduct, bad deeds and cultivating good thinking as well as fostering good sentiments that lead to good actions.
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