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239 吐纳(Pranayama)的各种步骤和要点是什么?
Jan 5, 2012: What are the various steps and essentials involved in the science of Pranayama? Bhagawan explains to us today.

Pranayama is the practice (sadhana) by which you hold your breath (prana). Its significance may be understood when we recognise that there are five different vital airs namely, prana, apana, vyana, udana and samana. The process by which these vital airs are controlled is called Pranayama and this gives inner vision. In Pranayama the three different kinds of stages are Rechaka (exhaling), Puraka (inhaling) and Kumbhaka (holding breath). Through Rechaka and Puraka one is able to get control over the various vital airs and take them in. Holding the airs (breath) during the process is kumbhaka. Along with this, Prathyahara, should be observed to attain bliss. The organs and the mind always wish to look at and concern themselves with the external objects. The mind develops sensuous desires by looking at them. As a result of these desires, the mind becomes impure. Prathyahara consists in turning the mind inwards and away from the external objects.
- Summer Showers in Brindavan in 1973, Ch 7.
吐纳(Pranayama)是一种守“气”(Prana)的修行法,“气”有五种︰prana, apana, vyana, udana, samana [注一],认清这些气,就能了解这项修习法的意义。控制这些气的方法,叫作吐纳,它能让人有对内在的认知。吐纳的三个阶段为呼气、吸气、闭息,透过呼气和吸气,能摄入各种气,并加以控制,屏住呼吸叫作闭息(Kumbhaka),闭息时,要遵守Prathyahara,以便能达到灵性极乐之境。感官和心念总是向外界看,总是去关注外界,看了这些外界的东西,感官欲望于焉生起,这些欲望,使得心变得不纯洁不清净,Prathyahara就是将心转向内在,远离外界事物。

Just as fire is needed till the rice is cooked, so also the spiritual practices are needed till you realise the innate divinity.
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