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238 行动 (业) 在天地万物中的作用不可小看。世尊解释为什么行动是极其重要的。
Jan 4, 2012: The role of action (Karma) in creation can never be overemphasised. Bhagawan explains why action is of supreme importance.

Almost everyone in the world is bound by the rule of Karma (action). But people are so immersed in ignorance that they are unaware of their own moral or intellectual status and of the secrets of Karma. Such people can be saved only by being inspired by the example of the great. Pay attention to just one fact! How warm is your body now? It may be about 98 degrees; how did it happen? Because the Sun bears many million times this heat at that distance, is it not? Now if the Sun feels that it will not put up with all that fire and becomes cool, what will happen to mankind? If God desists from action, imagine what will be the fate of this vast universe? The one of wisdom (Jnani) too needs to engage in activity, to remove the sloth and delusion of ordinary men. All have to obey the rule of Karma, without any deviation.
- Geetha Vahini, Ch 6.
几乎每个人都受到业(行动)的法则束缚,可是人们如此无明,对自己品德和才智的程度,对行动的奥秘,浑然不知,这些人只有靠圣贤们的典范来启发、激励,才能挽救。光想想这一点︰你的体温有多少? 可能约有98度,怎么发生的? 因为太阳在遥远的地方承受了几百万倍的热,是不是? 好,要是现在太阳不想再忍耐那种火焰而冷却下来,人类会怎样? 要是上帝停止行动,宇宙会是什么命运? 解脱的智者也必须从事行动,以去除一般人的怠惰和妄见。业(行动)的法则,人人都得遵守不逾。

Prema and Seva (love and selfless service) are like a bird’s two wings for a man. Man can soar to any heights with those two wings.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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