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237 据说一个人需要像孩子般的天真无邪,才能在神国里享有一席位。作为长者,我们能向孩子们学习什么? |
Jan 3, 2012: It is said that one needs to be childlike to find a place in God’s kingdom. As elders, what can we learn from children? Bhagawan explains and guides us.
Many children are wayward and vile today, since they have no other examples to follow. Unfortunately, parents, teachers and leaders are inflaming the passions of young minds and encouraging them onto inappropriate actions. Along with Bala Vikas, elders too must experience Vikas (flowering or development), and lead exemplary lives of simplicity, sincerity, and steady spiritual discipline. Children do not say one thing and do the opposite. They are very straight forward and innocent. Everyone should imbibe this nature from them, for elders have strayed far from that ideal. Instead of saying a hundred things, it is better to do one thing properly. Sanctify your life by doing selfless work. For the person who talks a lot, there is no time for work. Instead of wasting time in your words, use your time in service to mankind which is service to God, all the while repeating the name of the Lord.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 31, 1975. |
今天很多孩子都刚愎任性又恶劣,因为他们没有别的典范可资效法。父母、师长、领导人物,很不幸的,都在煽动年幼的心灵、煽动他们的激情,鼓励不当的行动。成年人也要和Bala Vikas(沙迪亚赛灵性教育和德育的儿童班;Bala:儿童)儿童们一样,体验到Vikas(开花、绽放、成长),过着简朴、诚、修行不懈的生活,做一个典范。儿童不会说一套做一套,他们都是直截了当,天真无邪,成年人该向他们学习,成年人偏离这个理想太远了。与其说一百件事,不如好好做一件事。要从事无私的工作,来神圣化你的生命。讲得太多的人,没有时间去做,与其浪费时间空谈,不如将时间用来服务人类 ── 那就是服务神,并且一面服务,一面念着神的圣名。
A disciplined life is the best offering you can make to the country or to the Divine in you.
[赛的启示] |