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21天冥想之旅(21-day Meditation Practice)
这个为期 21 天的一系列冥想录音以‘静默’为主题。每一天,我们分享关于‘静默’和‘冥想’的世尊峇峇开示,然后享受一段冥想时光。。。。希望大家能全心投入这21天的探索内心旅程,在生活中学习静默,并体验到宁静的喜乐。
This is a 21-day series of guided meditation recordings with ‘silence’ as its theme. Every day, we will share with you what Bhagavan Baba has to say on ‘silence’ and ‘meditation’, then we enjoy a short meditation session…..By committing to this 21-day journey towards self discovery, we would gain a better understanding of practising silence in our lives, and experiencing the many benefits of being silent.
日数 Day 开示题目 Message Title 中文 English
  录音文本 Recording text

1 念诵 OM 有何意义呢?
What is the significance of chanting OM?
mp3 mp3
2 把你所身处之地成为静默的堡垒
Make the place where you are a citadel of silence
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3 三种静默
Three kinds of silence
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4 培育内心的静默
Cultivate inner silence
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5 静默是修行者的语言
Silence is the speech of the spiritual seeker
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6 唯有在静默深处你才能听到神的声音
It is only in the depth of silence that the voice of God can be heard
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7 孤独是与神交流
Solitude means to be in communion with God
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8 Soham真言
Soham Mantra
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9 静默促进自我控制的能力
Silence promotes self control
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10 在心中默默地重复神的名字
Repeat God’s name in the silence of the heart
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11 在静默中冥想斯瓦米的教导
Meditate on Swami’s teachings during silence
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12 唯有在绝对的静默中,你才可以体验神圣的福乐
You can experience divine bliss only in absolute silence
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13 舌头的两个功能
Two functions of the tongue
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14 谨慎说话
Right speech
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15 沉默的人不会树敌
The silent man has no enemies
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16 认识你的本来面目
Know your true identity
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17 心念必须停止游荡
The mind must desist from wandering
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18 舒解精神饥渴的最佳方法
The best way to appease spiritual hunger
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19 同一个阿特玛存在于万物之内
The same Atma is present in all
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20 主所喜悦的三重纯洁
Triple purity that pleases the Lord
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21 ‘光’的冥想
Light Meditation
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22 什么是冥想成功的标志?
How we recognize progress in our meditation?
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Light Meditation Mantras
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