1 |
While you are still in your youth, the kind of sacred thoughts that generate in your mind and the sacred experiences you go through will determine the future for you. |
2 |
青春不在于身体条件, 精神力量更为重要。
Youth is not the physical of the body; it is the mental power which is more important. |
3 |
Develop simple living and high thinking. |
4 |
Youth is the stage of life where self-control, and self–effort are most needed and least exercised. |
5 |
You should make an attempt to control your tongue when you are young. If in this age you do not control your tongue and all the other sensory organs you will have to face many difficulties in your later life. |
6 |
It is natural for you at this young age to be proud and hasty or impetuous. But true education should result in humility. |
7 |
Youth is the stage in life when the slightest turn towards wrong will spell disaster. Follow the dictates of your conscience. You can never be wrong. |
8 |
不要为了求胜而误入歧途。再琐细的事也要搞清对错 。
Just because you want to avoid defeat and get victory, you should not deviate from the right path and take the wrong path. Even if we are doing a small thing, we must enquire into whether it is right or wrong. |
9 |
Avoid bad company at any cost. Seek good company with all your mind. |
10 |
Young people ask why they should not enjoy freedom as fish, birds and animals do. They should understand that each of these creatures in enjoying freedom in accordance with its own sphere of life. Similarly, man should enjoy freedom related to his human condition. You cannot call yourself a human being and lead a life of an animal. |
11 |
In exercising freedom, you should not merely imitate others. Imitation has become a deadly disease among modern youth, in matters of dress or other behaviour. They should consult their conscience in all matters rather than copy others.。 |
12 |
Discipline and the sense of duty have to blossom in you. Do not struggle only for Marks, but to avoid Remarks on your conduct. For, the purpose of education is the transformation of all aspects of life into full strength and joy. |
13 |
I wish you should go out into world as ideal students and serve the nation well. Securing degrees is not enough. You have to make your knowledge available to others. This is the purpose of education. Remember God, Love the nation and Experience bliss; this should be your aim. |