1 |
Duty is God, Work is Worship. |
2 |
Whatever you do, wherever you are placed, believe that God has put you there for that work. |
3 |
Do all your work believing that it is God’s and then the omnipresent Lord will take care of the result. |
4 |
The workers’ ideal should be hands dedicated to hard work, heads educated to service and hearts full of compassion. |
5 |
When you establish self-confidence, confidence that you are the pure unlimited self, in your hearts, you can be entrusted with any type of work. |
6 |
In whatever situation you may be placed in your official careers, never give way to untruth. You must uphold ‘Dharma’, which means acting according to your conscience. Always follow the dictates of your conscience. |
7 |
Serve whom you love; Love whom you serve. |
8 |
Respect each worker as a contributor of his valuable share of the common task. Feel that all are divine, all are equally to be loved. |
9 |
Each item is important and each worker earns his right by discharging well his particular share of the total obligation. There should not be any attempt to compare and claim either superiority or confer inferiority. Such attempts will only promote ill feeling and obstruct the flow of Love and tolerance. |
10 |
While doing your work do not argue that this particular bit is your jurisdiction and that other one is not; do not be sticklers for boundaries and limits. Support each other; supplement each other in joyful co-operation; strengthen each other. |
11 |
The employer and the employees are bound close to each other, as close as the heart and the body. The master is the heart and the men are the body. There can be no heart without a body and no body without a heart; both are essential for each other. |
12 |
Every day before you begin work, pray to God; and, at the end of the day, offer grateful thanks to the Lord, singing His name and meditating on His majesty. |