主页 >> 智慧珠玑
1 真理无所畏惧,虚假如杯弓蛇影。
Truth has no fear; Untruth shivers at every shadow.
2 要冷静地看待得失成败。
Take failure and victory coolly.
3 人生是从小我迈向大我。
Life is a march from I to We.
4 人生是挑战,去面对吧!人生是梦,去实现吧!人生是游戏,去玩乐吧!人生是爱,去享受吧!
Life is a challenge, meet it! Life is a dream, realize it! Life is a game, play it! Life is Love, enjoy it!
5 唯有智者,了解自己的本性。
The wise are those who know the Self.
6 追随你的主人:内在良知的声音。
Follow the Master: the inner voice of conscience.
Face the Devil: the anti-social urges.
Fight to the end: until one is able to overcome the 6 inner foes.
Finish the game: life on earth.
7 平和。 它只能发自内心的平和泉源。
Peace. It can come only from the Fountain of Peace within.
8 我 – 要 – 平静。“我”是自我,“要”是欲望。 放下自我和欲望,你才能平静下来。
I - Want - Peace: "I" is ego. "Want" is desire. Remove ego and desire and you have peace.
9 人生像秋千,在痛苦和快乐间来回荡着。
Life is a swing between pain and joy.
10 人在出生时,无助悲痛地哭泣;死的时候就应该带着快乐喜悦的笑容离开人间。
Men are born with a helpless lamenting cry; they should die with the smile of happy joy.
11 知至而后意诚,意诚而后心正,
心正而后家齐, 家齐而后国治,
If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character.
If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home.
When there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.
When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
12 身体就如闪光灯,眼睛是灯泡,思想是电池,智慧是开关。通过这四个部分的搭配才能得到灯光。
Body is like a flashlight, Eye is like the bulb, Mind is the battery cell, Intelligence is the switch; Only when the four work together do you get the light.
13 忘掉他人对你的伤害;也要忘掉你施予他人的恩惠。
Forget the harm that anyone has done to you and forget the good that you have done to others.
14 做个简单,真诚的人
Be Simple and Sincere
15 对自己有信心是一种神圣的表现。
Faith in your Self is the expression of Divine
16 一颗纯洁的心是所有灵性修持的精髓
A Pure Heart is the essence of all spiritual practices.
17 浪费时间便是浪费生命
Time wasted is life wasted.
18 读书增加知识, 布施变化气质.
Through reading you gather information, but through service you get transformation.
19 世俗和灵性有如鸟儿的一双翅膀, 机车的一对轮子, 缺一不可, 也同样重要.
Worldly and spirituality are like the two wings of a bird, the two wheels of a vehicle, equally essential and equally important.
20 知道而不去做,毫无用处; 不知道却以为知道而去做, 是愚蠢的。
Knowledge without action is useless, action without knowledge is foolishness.


- Living beings are different, but the life principle is one
- Caste and Creed are different, but humanity is one
- Flowers are different, but worship is one
- Visions are different, but God is one.

22 勇者学习去战斗每一个恐惧;懦弱者接受其恐惧,却又学习去憎恨。
The brave learns to fight every fear; The coward accepts his fear and instead learns to hate.
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