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1 降服与‘失去控制权’毫无关系。它涉及的是,让高等的智慧去监控一个人的生命。
Surrender is not about losing control. It’s about allowing a higher wisdom to take charge over one’s life.
Surrender is tuning in to a higher will. It’s an attitude, which can change the way you perceive vicissitudes in life.
It’s all about letting God flow through.
2 将你的思想、言语和行动供奉在主的莲花足下,并接受所发生的一切为神赐的恩典。
Dedicate all thoughts, words and deeds at the Lotus Feet of the Lord and accept all that happens as gifts of Grace from Him.
3 降服指的是‘个人的意愿’和‘神的意愿’结合为一。
Surrender implies that the ‘individual will’ should become one with the ‘Divine will’.
Obey the Divine command implicitly without questioning it. That is the sign of true devotion.
Just as you prescribe minimum qualification for every profession, the minimum qualification for grace is surrender of egoism, control over senses and regulation over food and recreation.
4 一旦你降服或献出你的自我与身体意识,明心见性就毫无障碍了。
Once your ego or body consciousness is surrendered, there is no bar to one’s realization.
It is the body consciousness that stands in the way and makes you forget God.
5 降服的真正意思是认识到神存在于每一个众生之内。
Recognition of the presence of God in all beings is the true meaning of the word surrender.
We should perform all tasks entrusted upon us as our duty. It is not right to neglect one’s duty in the name of surrender and sit idle.
If you work only to please God, you exhibit true surrender. Surrender is offering all consequences, good or bad, at His Lotus Feet.
6 假如你把一切降服予神,祂会保护和指引你。
当你抱怨说,“ 噢!神并没护佑我。”我会这样回答,“你并没有降服!”
If you give up all and surrender to the Lord, He will guard you and guide you.
When you complain, “Oh! He has not guarded me,” I reply, “You have not surrendered!”
The Lord has come just for this task.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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