主页 >> 智慧珠玑
1 沙迪亚赛组织的特点是把服务当作是为寓于每一个众生之内的神服务。
The uniqueness of Sathya Sai Seva Organization is the fact that it regards seva as the form of service to the Divinity that is in each being.
2 为人类服务即为神服务,因为神存在于每一个人、每一个生物之内。
Service to man is service to God for He is in every man, every living being.
3 别为服务的成果担忧;尽你最大的努力去帮助,尽量提高你的效率,并保持沉默,充满爱心。其他的一切就交给神吧,是他赐予你这个服务的机会。
Do not worry about the result; help as much as you can, as efficiently as you can, as silently as you can, as lovingly as you can and leave the rest to God, who gave you the chance to serve.
4 你是否认为自己在为他人服务呢?不,实际上你是在发展自己内在的优良品质并培育自己的善良本性。
Do you have the feeling that you are serving others? No. You are developing your own good qualities within, and you are fostering your own good nature.
5 服务有两个好处。它让施予者和受惠者感到快乐。
Seva is twice blessed. It makes both the giver and the receiver happy.
Its blessings are twofold. It eradicates ego and confers ananda (bliss).
6 改变并塑造全新的你是服务的真正意义和最佳成果。
The real value of seva, and its most visible result is that it transforms and reshapes you.
7 无私的服务是人类灵性修行的第一步。
Seva without the idea of self, is the very first step in the spiritual progress of man.
8 服务是净化心灵最主要的工具。
It is the primary means through which the heart is purified.
9 服务者所提供的时机,能把最顽固的铁石心肠给慢慢感化。
The hardest heart is slowly softened into butter, by the opportunities that the Sevadal offers.
10 除了纪律(Discipline)和责任心(Duty),我们还必须有虔诚之心(Devotion)。 三个D一起才会让你的心变得更圣洁。
To discipline and duty we should add devotion. When these three D’s are together your heart will develop into a sacred one.
11 在服务时,控制感官极其重要。服务者要适应无二元性的生活。你的态度和行为必须展示爱和仁慈。
Sense control is important when one does seva. A Sevadal should get accustomed to live without any duality. Exhibit love and non-violence in your behaviour and approach.
12 别判断他人值不值得你去为其服务。探悉他是否受苦,已是足够的凭据。
Do not judge others to decide whether they deserve your service. Find out whether they are distressed, that is enough a credential.
Do not examine how they behave towards others; they can be certainly transformed by love.
13 你所服务的对象不论表示感谢或是批评,你都必须很乐意地去执行任务。
Whether the people whom you serve thank you or criticize you, you must gladly do the task allotted to you.
Remember, you are serving yourselves, not them. Receive bouquets and brickbats with equal calm.
14 服务是你向‘寓于人人之内的神’膜拜。
Seva is the worship you offer to God in the heart of everyone.
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