主页 >> 智慧珠玑
1 父母要觉得自己是上苍委派来照顾家中儿女的仆人,就如园丁栽培主人花园里的花草树木。
Parents must feel that they are servants appointed by the Lord to tend the little souls that are born in their households, as the gardener tends the trees in the garden of the Master.
2 父母要学习如何爱孩子。单单疼爱是无济于事的。爱和规则必须并重;这样的爱才会有效。
Parents must learn how to love children. Affection alone is not enough. There should be Love and Law; only then the love will prove beneficial.
3 为幼嫩的小丝瓜绑上一块石头,才能确保它垂直生长。同样,从幼年开始,就应为孩子系上纪律和虔诚的石头。
The snake-gourd has to be made to grow straight by tying a stone to it from its tender stage. Likewise, the stone of discipline and devotion should be attached to a boy from his infancy.
4 在孩童的稚龄时期播下灵性的种子是父母亲的责任。
It is the duty of parents to sow the seeds of spirituality in the children from their early years.
5 父母应以身作则,劝导孩子们孝亲敬老,及在夜晚腾出时间祈祷和静坐。
Parents must persuade the child by example and precept, to revere elders and spend some time both in the evenings for prayer, and for silent meditation.
6 父母的责任不单是供给孩子食物,教育和世俗知识,还要灌输他们正确的价值观。
The obligation of parents does not end with providing food, schooling and knowledge of worldly matters.The children should also be provided with right values.
7 要坚持有节制的饮食和游戏。调理孩子的饮食习惯;食物在很大程度上决定健康和智力,感情和冲动。要制定食物的品质和数量,进食的次数和时间。消闲活动必须符合道德及有激励性。要与服膺正义,敬畏神明者为伍。
Insist on regulated food and play. Regulate the food habits of the children; food determines to a large extent health and intelligence, emotions, and impulses.Set limits on the quality and quantity of food, as well as, to the number of times it is consumed and the timing. Recreation too, has to be moral and elevating and in the company of the righteous and God fearing.
8 当孩子在有意或无意间犯错时,家长应该马上纠正错误,引导他们回归正途。
Whenever the children go astray, wittingly or unwittingly, parents should hasten to correct their faults and bring them back to the right path.
9 教导孩子:别妄想不劳而获,唯有努力奋斗才能获得想要的东西。
Teach children not to receive anything for nothing. Let them earn by hard work the things they seek.
10 培养孩子的独立性,让他们自立更生。
Make the children independent of your care and then leave them to themselves.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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