主页 >> 智慧珠玑
1 博爱众生,服务众生。
Love all Serve all.
2 爱是神,要活在爱之中。
Love is God, Live in Love.
3 爱不求回报,因为爱本身就是最好的回报。
Love seeks no reward; Love is its own reward.
4 爱,因为你的本质是爱。
Love because your very nature is Love.
5 爱靠施与恕而立,私靠受而忘以存。
Love lives by giving and forgiving, Self lives by getting and forgetting.
6 爱是花,欲是刺。
Love is flower, Lust is thorn.
7 爱是系牢之绳,恨乃割伤之刃。
Love is the rope that binds, hate is a knife that cuts.
8 爱不该根据种姓、族群、财富或学识来分配。
Love should not be rationed on the basis of caste, creed, economic status or intellectual attainment.
9 让爱成为你的气息,让爱的阳光帮助你内心的莲花绽放。
Let Love be your breath, Let the sun of Love helps the Lotus of your heart to blossom.
10 以爱来开始这一天,以爱来充实这一天,以爱来渡度过这一天,以爱来结束这一天。这是通往神的道路。
Start the day with love. Fill the day with Love. Spend the day with Love. End the day with Love. This is the way to God.
11 爱是无私的, 自私是缺乏爱的表现。
Love is selflessness, Selfishness is lovelessness.
12 基于职责而无爱是可悲的,基于职责而有爱是可喜的,基于爱而非职责是神圣的。
Duty without love is deplorable; Duty with love is desirable; Love without duty is Divine.
13 要满怀爱心,觉察内心的声音,并遵从它。
Be loving, begin to perceive your inner voice and follow it.
14 爱,付诸思想是真;
Love as thought is Truth
Love as action is Goodness
Love as feeling is Beauty
15 知识的目标在于爱
The End of Knowledge is Love
16 爱能把最顽固的心溶化。
Love is the solvent for the hardest of the hearts.
17 让世界成为一个充满爱的乐园。
Make the world a happy home of love.
18 培育爱,扩散爱,收获爱,这是最高尚的服务。
Develop Love, Scatter Love, Reap Love. This is the noblest service
19 爱是施予和宽恕。私是受惠却遗忘。
Love gives and forgives. Self gets and forgets.
20 爱不管逻辑,它不计较成果或回报。
Love ignores logic, love does not calculate the result or reward
21 爱是我的形象, 真理是我的气息, 宁静是我的食粮. 我的生命就是我的福音.
Love is my form, truth is my breath, peace is my food. My life is my message.
22 化爱心为服务, 化服务为膜拜, 这就是最高的修行.
Transform love into service. Transform service into worship. That is the highest discipline (Sadhana).
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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