1 |
财富来去无常, 拥有高尚品格则为人生增值。
Money comes and goes but morality comes and grows. |
2 |
敬爱神明, 畏惧罪恶, 维护人生价值观。
Love God, Fear Sin, Guard Human Values. |
3 |
True education is that develops love and confers well being on the fellow beings. |
4 |
当真理的电流通过正义的电线, 而进入和平的灯泡,你就得到博爱的光辉。
When the electric current of Truth flows through the wire of Dharma and enters the bulb of Peace, you get the light of Love. |
5 |
“告诉我谁是你的朋友,我就知道你的为人。” 你的朋友决定你的前途。 "Tell me your company, I shall tell you what you are." As is your company so shall you become. |
6 |
A life without good character is like a shrine without a light; a coin that is counterfeit; a kite with the string broken. |
7 |
Education should be a preparation for righteous living and not for earning money. |
8 |
The root is education and the fruit is virtue. |
9 |
The end of wisdom is freedom; The end of culture is perfection; The end of knowledge is love; The end of education is character. |
10 |
Politics without principles, Education without character, Science without humanity, and Commerce without morality are not only useless, but positively dangerous. |
11 |
Education without wisdom and wisdom without humility are husks without grain. |
12 |
If we sow a thought today, we reap an act tomorrow;
If we sow an act today, we reap a habit tomorrow;
If we sow a habit today, we reap a character tomorrow;
If we sow a character today, we reap a destiny tomorrow. |
13 |
A virtuous character is the lamp which illuminates the path to peace and joy