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‘过去’ 已经过去了, 而’未来’又不可知, ‘今天’才是你的.
Past is past, future is uncertain. Today is yours.
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The heart full of compassion is the altar of God
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There is no enemy more vicious than your own anger.
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Anger is one’s greatest enemy
Calmness is one’s own protection
Joy is one’s heaven,
Sorrow is one’s hell
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有了信心, 爱心便会到来
Where there is Faith, there is Love.
有了爱心, 宁静便会到来
Where there is Love, there is Peace.
有了宁静, 真理便会到来
Where there is Peace, there is Truth.
有了真理, 至福便会到来
Where there is Truth, there is Bliss.
有了至福, 神性便显现出来
Where there is Bliss, there is God.
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唯有工作带来入息, 唯有智慧带来宁静.
Work alone can bring income, Wisdom alone can bring peace.
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Pleasure is an interval between two pains.
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我们得不到自己想要的, 我们得到的是自己理应得到的.
We do not get what we desire, we get what we deserve.
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务必记住两件事情: 死亡和神.
务必忘记两件事情: 他人对你所造成的伤害和你施予他人的恩惠.
There are two things to remember: Death and God
There are two things to forget: any harm done to us by others, and any good we may have done to others.
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真正的舍弃是抛弃自己本身的贪, 嗔, 痴三毒.
The real renunciation which one has to make is the giving up of the evil qualities of desire, anger and greed.
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缺乏自信, 连一件小事都不可能做好. 缺乏清净心, 开悟是不可能的.
Without self confidence no achievement is possible. Without a cleansed heart, no realization is possible.
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Grief and joy are the inseparable companions. Grief or joy – welcome it as God’s Grace.