1 |
It is not the standard of living that is important, but the manner of living. |
2 |
A man's well-being depends upon his degree of contentment. |
3 |
Real happiness lies within you. |
4 |
你说,“享受 (enjoy)”;唯有当你“停止享乐(end joy)”时,才是真正的享受。
You say, "enjoy"; but, it is when you "end joy" that you can really enjoy. |
5 |
Do not get attached to worldly things and pursuits. Be, in the world but, do not let the world be in you. |
6 |
Eat, when you are hungry - not before or after. |
7 |
When we sit down for a meal, we feel light and effortless. When we are done, we should rise with the same feeling of lightness and effortlessness. |
8 |
一个人应当拥有的钱财就如所穿的鞋子; 鞋子太窄小会觉得痛; 鞋子太宽大走动就不方便。 钱财最好是刚刚足以舒适的生活。太多的钱财就会引起傲慢, 懒散 和自大。
The quantity of riches one must own can be compared to the shoes one wears; if too small, they cause pain; if too big, they are a hindrance while walking. Money too should be just enough for a life of physical and mental comfort. When we have more, it breeds pride, sloth and contempt for others. |
9 |
What is wealth? Who is the richest man in the world? The one who has contentment is the richest. Who is the poorest? The one who is full of unfulfilled desires is the poorest. |
10 |
在人生的旅程上, 行李越少, 旅途就越轻易; 减少欲望, 哪你就自由自在了!
In The Journey Of Life, Less Luggage, More Comfort; Reduce Desires, You Will Win Freedom! |
11 |
欲望 + 生活 = 人 ; 生活 - 欲望? = 神
Desire + Life = Man ;Life – Desire = God |
12 |
Food is God, don’t waste food. Time is God, don’t waste time.
Money is God, don’t waste money. Energy is God, don’t waste energy. |
13 |
Be Happy, be Happy. Makes others Happy. All will be Happy. God will be Happy. |
14 |
Contentment is the best tonic
15 |
欲望有如狂烧的野火, 一再索取更多燃料
Desire is a bonfire that burns with greater fury, asking for more fuel.
16 |
Discipline is the mark of intelligent living.