主页 >> 智慧珠玑
1 时时协助, 永不伤害。
Help Ever Hurt Never
2 布施的手比祈祷的口更神圣。
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray.
3 头在森林里;双手在社会中。
Head in the Forest; Hands in Society.
4 服务众人即为事奉神。
Service to man is service to God.
5 神第一,世界第二, 我排最后!
God, first; the world next; myself last!
6 要有建设性的思想、抚慰人心的话语、悲悯仁爱的行动。
Have Constructive thoughts; Consoling words; Compassionate acts.
7 亲爱的孩子们,万物是一体,要一视同仁啊!
All life is One, My Dear Son, Be Alike to everyone!
8 你们都是不同的珠子,把你们串起来的那条线是神。
You are all separate beads strung together on that one thread, God.
9 人生的圆满在于无私地付出、不计回报地服务。
The fulfillment of human life consists in the service that man renders, without any thought of return, in an attitude of selflessness.
10 布施是消除我执的最好工具。
To remove the evil of egoism, service is the most efficient instrument.
11 施舍的欢喜带来福乐人生。
The joy of giving makes life blissful.
12 爱的特点是无私的奉献。
The hallmark of love is selfless sacrifice.
13 满怀慈悲的心就是神的殿堂。
The heart full of compassion is the altar of God.
14 学习施, 而不取;学习侍奉, 而不指使。
Learn to give, not to take; Learn to serve, not to rule.
15 你囤积起来的财富并不是你的,你布施出去的财富才真正是你的。
Wealth that you hoard is not yours, wealth that you have given is really yours.
16 无私的服务是臻至神的最佳捷径
Selfless service is the surest and the fastest way to reach God
17 无私的服务让你更亲近‘我’
Selfless service brings you nearer to Me
18 锻炼领袖的最佳处就是“服务”。
Service is the best school for training in Leadership
19 要以出世的思想和入世的行动来服务社会
You must serve with Heads in the Forest, Hands in the Society.
20 对众生的慈悲就是对神的虔诚
Compassion towards all beings is devotion to God
21 布施拥有两份恩宠, 它使施, 受两方一同快乐.
Service is twice blessed, making the giver and the receiver happy.
22 布施即是膜拜. 每一项善行都是供奉在主莲花脚下的一朵鲜花.
Service is worship. Each act of service is a flower placed at the feet of God.
23 投桃报李, 互相帮助是很自然的事, 去帮助伤害过你的人, 才是德行.
Service those who do service to us is but a natural reaction, service those who harm us is the greatest virtue.
24 最大的礼物莫过于施食给饥者.
There is no greater gift than giving food to a hungry man.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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