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570 为什么我们要切勿忘记上帝为人生的目标?
Dec 31, 2012: Why should we never forget God as our goal in life? Bhagawan reminds us today.

A mother fetching water from the well, will have a pot on her head, another on her hip and a third in her hand, and will be hurrying her way home, as she is always conscious of the infant in the cradle. If she forgets the infant, her gait slows down and she wanders around, chatting with all her friends. Similarly, if God, the Goal, is not cherished in the memory, one has to wander through many births and arrive home late. Hence keep the memory of the Lord and His glory, always with you. That will quicken your steps and you will arrive soon at the goal.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 18, 1964.
The God-centred person has three qualities: Purity, Perseverance and Patience.
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