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569 我们该怎么做才能使每一天都感觉到主的存在?
Dec 30, 2012: What should we do to feel the presence of the Lord, every single day? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.

The lotus in your heart pines for the Sun, the splendour of the Loving Lord. To attain Him requires effort. Withdrawal of all attachment towards the world and cultivation of Divine Love alone can win it. God is the nearest and dearest entity, but ignorance hides Him away from the eye. The stars appear as dots of light, for they are at great distances from us. Just as the stars, God appears insignificant or ineffective to many, because they are keeping themselves too far away from Him. If some believe that God is not present or visible, it only means that they are at a too great a distance to be aware of Him. The love that God bears for each and every one is unequalled.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 17, 1966.
你心中的莲花,渴望着太阳 ── 慈爱的主的光辉。要抵达祂,需要点努力,只有收回对世间所有执着迷恋,培养神性爱,才能赢得它。神是最亲近你的东西,然而,你的无明遮蔽了祂,使你看不到。天上的星星,因为距离遥远,看起来像一个个的光点。对许多人,神也像星星一般,显得微不足道,这是因为他们让自己离祂太远。如果有人认为神不在或看不到,那只表示,他们自己离祂太远,察觉不到祂。神对每个人都有无比的爱。
God is neither distant nor distinct from you.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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