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564 如何正确地庆祝耶稣基督的生日?
Dec 25, 2012: How should we truly celebrate the birth of Jesus? Bhagawan reminds us today in His message for Christmas.

Embodiments of Love! In all religions and countries, birthdays of great personalities are celebrated, but the ideals for which they lived are not remembered and followed. This turns celebrations into artificial observances. Christ taught people to love all beings and serve all with compassion. It is only by practising these ideals that one can truly celebrate Jesus Christ’s birthday. The Divinity within should be reflected in your every action. The seat of Truth is in your heart. Worshipping God means loving others with your full heart. You must live in love and lead a life of selfless service based on love. This is the best way to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
- Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 1992.
To live in “JOY”, make Jesus your first priority, Others next and Your needs, the Last.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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