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562 体验喜悦的最简单、最确实的方法是什么?
Dec 23, 2012: What is the simplest and most certain way to experience bliss? Bhagawan lovingly explains, not just for individual happiness, but for the happiness of the world at large.

Live in truth, you will then experience Divine Bliss. Faith in God promotes love. Love leads to peace. Peace prepares the way for truth. Where there is faith there is Love, Where there is Love there is Peace, Where there is Peace there is Truth. Where there is Truth there is Bliss, Where there is Bliss there is God. The Divine manifests Himself in many forms and is worshipped as such, for the joy to be derived from it. Truth is one, regardless of nation or religion. The names and forms of human beings may vary, but the Supreme in them (Sath-chith-ananda) does not vary. It is eternal and changeless. Embodiments of Divine Love! Strike down the walls that separate man from man. Get rid of differences based on caste and creed. Develop firm faith in the oneness of Humanity. Cultivate love in your hearts. Then nations will be united, prosperous and happy.
- Divine Discourse, Dec 25, 1988.
活在真理中,那你就会体验神性极乐。对神的信心,能促进爱。爱导致平静。平静为真理铺下了路。有信心就有爱,有爱就有平静,有平静就有真理,有真理就有极乐,有极乐之处就有上帝。上帝以许多形式显现祂自己,并被人如是膜拜,以从中得到喜悦。真理是同一个,不因国家或宗教而异。人的名称和形体因人而异,但是,其内在的至上(有 ── 觉 ── 极乐),却不因人而异,它永恒不变。各位圣爱的化身!打倒那道分隔人与人的墙,除去阶级和信仰的分别心,建立对人类一体的坚定信心,培养爱心,这样,世界各国就能携手、和谐而快乐。
The heart full of compassion is verily the temple of God.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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