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558 我们应该做什么,以确保实现人生的真正潜力?
Dec 19, 2012: What should we do to make sure we achieve the true potentials of this human birth? Bhagawan explains and guides us today.

Man is the monarch of all animals. Though the elephant lives longer, the lion is more fierce, the eagle more far-seeing, the cock more punctual in early rising, the cow more imbued with the spirit of sacrifice and so on, human birth alone has in it, the potentialities that can be brought out by proper culture. You are born with a helpless lamenting cry; you should die with a smile of joy. That is the purpose of the years between. But those years are wasted now. People are tossed about from one want to another, one grief to another, until they are blinded by despair and exhausted by foiled pursuits. Most illnesses are due to this despair and exhaustion. God alone is your anchor, who will save you from stress and storm. Do not neglect or ignore Him in your life.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 15, 1966.
Be a servant of God – then, all strength and joy will be added unto you.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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