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555 聆听有关于神的经典、讲道和故事的目的是什么?
Dec 16, 2012: What is the aim and purpose of listening to scriptures, discourses and stories about the Divine? Bhagawan reveals, reinforcing in us the purpose of these spiritual treasure chests.

You know only the present that is happening before your eyes; you do not realise that the present is related to the past and is preparing the course of the future. Each birth wipes out the memory of the one already experienced. The tree came from the seed and the seed from the tree and so on. You may not know which came first, tree or seed, but you can easily put an end to the cycle by frying the seed. You do not realise that the end of this cycle of birth and death lies in your own hands. The scriptures and holy books serve this very purpose. These are not meant to mislead you. That is not the desire of the sages who wrote down these annals and their own experiences. It is to tell mankind the truth about oneself.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 12, 1964.
Close your mouths and open your hearts. Then you will easily experience the bliss of the Divine.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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