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551 为什么主如此注重寂静? |
Dec 12, 2012: Why is silence so dear to the Lord? Bhagawan explains to us an important aspect we need to keep in mind in our spiritual journey.
You can feel the presence of God, in the depth of silence. In the excitement, clutter and confusion of the marketplace, you cannot hear His gentle footsteps. He resounds with clarity, when all is filled with silence. Hence I insist on silence, practice of soft speech and minimum sound. Talk little, talk in whispers, sweet and true. When you want to place a heavy thing on the ground, place it with care, do not drop it and create noise around you. Bend a little, keep it softly and gently on the floor with care. Similarly examine each and every act of yours and see to it that you execute it softly and silently. Transact all dealings with minimum speech and eliminate noise. Do not shout to persons standing far, go near them or beckon them to approach you. Loud noise is a sacrilege on the sky, just as there are sacrilegious uses of earth and water.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 15, 1966. |
你可以在深度静默中,感觉到上帝的存在。在市场那种骚动、喧闹、混乱之处,你听不见祂轻柔的脚步。当一切都充满寂静时,祂清晰的回响。所以,我强调要寂静,要轻声柔语,要少讲话,要低声耳语,话要亲切悦耳而真实不假。放下重物在地上时,要当心,不要往地上一扔,制造噪音。稍微弯下身子,让它缓缓落地。同样的,要检视自己每一项行为,令其柔软而安静。与人交易往来,尽量少话,消除喧哗。不要大声叫唤远处的人,应该走过去,或招呼他们过来。大声喧哗是亵渎天空(空大)── 就像有些使用方式,是对地大与水大的亵渎一样。
Silence is the speech of an earnest spiritual seeker. |
[赛的启示] |