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540 一年里有许多节日和神圣的日子,这些庆典的目的是什么?
Dec 9, 2012: The year is filled with many festivals and holy days. What is the purpose behind these observances? Bhagawan explains to us today.

The ancient sages who decided upon the many festivals that we celebrate today, had a high purpose in mind when they did so. They want us to imbibe the inner meaning and use each such day as a step in saadhana (spiritual efforts), as a reminder of the journey which each person has to undertake alone to the feet of the Lord. The festival of Dasara for instance, celebrates the victory of the forces of good over the evil ones which resist one’s progress towards love and light. You must remind yourself that the forces of good are combating the forces of evil in every living being, and if they only rely on the great Divine Force that fosters and fends the Universe, they can easily win and reach the goal.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 15, 1966.
古代圣者订定了许多节日,为我们今日所庆祝,他们这样做,有其崇高目的,他们要我们吸收其内在意义,把每一个节日,做为修行的一步,并做为提醒:那段旅程,人人都得自个儿走过,以抵达神的脚前。例如达色喇节(Dasara),就是庆祝善的力量战胜邪恶的力量,那邪恶的力量阻挡人迈向爱和光。你一定要提醒自己,在每一位众生心中,善恶都在交战,而只要他们倚赖神的伟大力量 ── 那力量养育并保护宇宙,他们就可以轻易获胜,抵达目标。
Equal-mindedness in loss and gain is the essence of true Sadhana.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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