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540 要认识寓于我们之内和在我们周围的神性,最简单的方法是什么?
Dec 8, 2012: What is the easiest way to recognize Divinity in us and around us? Bhagawan explains to us and encourages appropriate usage of precious natural resources.

Divinity expresses itself infinitely as the five elements – the sky, the wind, the fire, the water and the earth. All creation is but a combination of two or more of these in varying proportions. The characteristic nature of these elements are sound, touch, form, taste and smell, cognized by the ear, the skin, the eye, the tongue and the nose. All the elements are abundant in Nature and are precious and potent with Divinity. So use them in moderation, reverentially, with humility and gratefulness. Excessive or inappropriate usage will injure your well-being just as drinking more or less water than needed is a torture. Inhaling more air is suffocating. Fire in moderation can warm or serve to heat and melt, but beyond a certain limit, it is a holocaust. Even excessive use of sound will distract people and drive them crazy. Hence, learn to use the natural resources intelligently, in moderation, with the idea of loving service to all in the community.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 15, 1966.
“道”无穷尽的展现自己,成为地、水、火、风、空五大,万物都只是这五大 ── 两种或两种以上、以各种比例 ── 的组合。这五大元素的属性是色(形体)、声、香、味、触,分别由眼、耳、鼻、舌、皮肤来知觉。这些元素在自然界中都很充沛,也很珍贵,内中充满了“道”。所以,要以恭敬、谦卑和感恩心,适度使用它们。过度或不当的使用,会伤及你的健康和幸福,就像喝水过量或太少,都是一种折磨;空气吸太多,令人窒息;适量的火,能用来取暖,能加热、熔解,然而若超过一个界限,就会成为灾难;声音使用过度,会令人分心、发狂。所以要有智能、有节制的使用这些自然资源,心中不忘对小区的爱心服务。
There is no greater example of selfless love than Nature.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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