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543 如何生活得喜悦和在此生赢得良好的声誉?
Dec 4, 2012: How can we live a life of joy and earn repute in this birth? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.

Lead your life such that, in posterity, people will remember you with gratitude and joy. To lead a good life, constant prompting from the Lord within you will be of great help. That inspiration can be got only by constantly reciting the Lord’s Name and calling on the inner springs of Divinity. The Lord’s Name is such a valuable instrument to win His Grace, to realize His Presence, to picture His Form and to remember His Glory. Repeating it from the depths of the heart, even once in the morning and once in the evening, will make your house, a home (griham) instead of a cave (guha). Senses are the windows, which when left open, make the lamp of the Name of God unsteady. Keep your senses away from the negative influences and concentrate on the Name of the Lord, its beauty and sweetness.
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol VI, Ch 27.
人生,要过得让后代子孙一想到你,心中都充满感激和喜悦。欲有好的人生,时时让自己受内在上主驱使、激励,会很有帮助。那种激励,只有靠不停持诵神名,呼唤内在神性之泉,才能得到。主的名号,能让人赢得神恩、了悟祂的临在、在心中描绘祂的形象、忆起祂的荣耀和殊胜,这件工具,价值大矣。从内心深处,念诵这名号,纵然只是早晚各念一次,也能让你住的房子,成为一个griham ──“家”,而非一个guha ──“洞穴”。感官如同窗户,让它开在那里,会使那神名念诵,如风中灯火,摇曳不稳。要让感官远离种种负面之影响,一心专念神的名号,专注其甜美。
Constant contemplation on the Divine is an effective method to fill the heart with the love of God.
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