主页 >> 赛的启示 |
542 如何让我们的心获得自由,并快乐地生活?要达到此目标,第一和最重要的一步是什么? |
Dec 3, 2012: How can we free our mind and live in joy? What is the first and most important step to that big goal? Bhagawan explains to us today.
Turn the key in the lock to the left, it locks. Turn it to the right, it opens. So too, turn your mind towards the objective world, it gets locked, caught and deeply entangled. Turn it to the right, steer it away from the objects of senses, and the lock opens up, you are free and deliverance is in your hands! How to turn your mind to the right? Begin with remembering the Lord’s Holy Name (Naamasmarana) as your first step. A big and long journey begins with the first step. The first step itself will take you through to the second and third, and ultimately to realizing your destination or goal.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 3, 1964. |
To evoke the Divine in you, there is no better method than Namasmarana. |
[赛的启示] |