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541 我们如何生活在这个世界上,却不沉浸于其中? |
Dec 2, 2012: How can we live in this world, but not get immersed in it? Bhagawan lovingly explains giving a practical instruction.
When a plane flies across the sky, it leaves no mark on it, no streak that lasts, no furrow or pot-hole that interferes with the next plane in that path. So too, let any or all feelings or emotions cross your mind, but never allow any of them to cause an impression. You can accomplish this by inquiry, quiet reasoning within oneself. This method is more effective than listening to lectures or studying books. Little children are trained to walk by means of a three wheeled contraption. The Pranava is such an instrument, the three wheels being the syllables A U and M. Holding it, you can learn to use your feet of devotion and detachment. If one walks on with the help of this Pranava meditation, one can certainly realise the glory of the Divine, which is the very substance of the Universe.
- Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol VI, Ch 27. |
飞机飞过天空,不会留下任何标志,不会留下经久不散的条痕,不会留下犁沟或坑洞,影响下一班飞过的飞机。同样的,要让你的感受、情绪,通过你的心念,却不留下任何印象。你可以靠“探究”,在心中静静做一番推理,来达到这种境界。这法子比听演讲或读书有效。我们不是常常用一台三轮座椅,来训练小宝宝走路吗?太古元音 ── Aum(Om) ── 就是这样一件工具,三个轮子分别是A、U、M三个音。持此元音,你就能学习使用“虔诚”和“无执着”这两只脚。若能作这种太古元音的冥想,你一定能了悟上帝的荣耀,祂是宇宙的本质。
You are a spark of the Divine; you must manifest it in every activity of yours! |
[赛的启示] |