主页 >> 赛的启示 |
540 为什么我们要对我们周围的痛苦作出反应? |
Dec 1, 2012: Why should we react to the pain and suffering around us? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us and motivates us, through vivid examples.
Just as the body is the house you live in, the universe is the body of God. An ant biting the little finger of your foot draws your entire attention to the spot in a split second, and you react to the pain and make an effort to remove the tiny enemy immediately. So too, you must feel the pain, the misery of the people, in the society around you. Pause for a moment to calculate what good you have done to the society that is helping you live your life comfortably. Do not fritter away your talents in profitless channels. You should not be a burden on others, or an enemy to your own self. Expand your sympathies to serve others, who stand in need, to the extent of your skill and resources. Be kind to all your kith and kin.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 3, 1964. |
宇宙是上帝的身体 ── 就像你的身体,是你居住的房子一样。蚂蚁咬了你脚趾一口,瞬间你全部注意力都集中到那处,你对疼痛作出反应,立刻设法将这个小小敌人除掉。你四周的人,他们的痛苦、悲惨、和不幸,你也一样,要能感觉得到。停下来算一算,你对社会做了哪些好事,使得你日子过得舒舒服服?不要虚耗你的才华于无益的管道。你不该成为他人的负担,或成为自己的敌人。扩展你的同情心,尽你所能,尽你所有,去服务那些有需要的人。以慈善对待你所有亲人。
Society is the school where the lesson of the Omnipresence of the Lord is taught to all who earnestly seek. |
[赛的启示] |