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536 保养身体的动机和意义是什么?
Nov 27, 2012: What should be the motivation and understanding behind the upkeep of the human body? Bhagawan explains and reinforces today.

“Deho Devalaya” – Body is the temple, scriptures teach us. Realize that the human body is not just a mass of flesh and bone. The human body is a sacred instrument equipped with reason and emotion, capable of being used for deliverance from grief and evil; you have earned it after long ages of struggle. Honour it as such, keep it in good condition, so that it might serve that high purpose. Maintain it even more carefully than your brick homes and never let go of the conviction that it is an instrument and nothing more. Use it justly, for the purpose for which it has been designed and given. Install the Lord in the altar of your heart and invite Him into it. God loves to reside in a pure and aspiring heart.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 3, 1964.
“Deho Devalaya”(身是庙宇),经典如是说。要明白,人身不仅仅是一堆肉和骨头,人身是一件神圣的工具,配备有理智和感情,能用来将自己从悲伤和邪恶中救出来,它是你累世的努力奋斗得来的,所以要这样看待它,保持它在良好状态,它才能适合那个崇高目的。要小心维护它,比维护你的家更要仔细。绝不放弃这个信念:它不过是件工具,仅此而已,要按照它原本被设计给你的目的来使用它。邀请神进驻你心中的神坛,在那儿供奉祂,神喜欢寓居在一颗纯洁向上的心中。
The heart full of compassion is verily the temple of God.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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