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514 从人生的起伏中学习到什么?它会促使我们做什么事情?
Nov 25, 2012: What is to be learnt from the uncertainty of life and what should it propel us to do? Bhagawan explains and motivates us today.

Resolve this day to engage only in virtuous deeds, good thoughts and noble company. Let your mind dwell on elevating thoughts. Do not waste a single moment of your time in idle gossip or vain boasting or demeaning recreations. Death stalks behind you to snatch you and carry you off. Consider President Kennedy – how death was lurking around, waiting for the right time? Did he not have powerful soldiers and security men to guard him? All was in vain. No security personnel or device can prevent death from occurring. So while life persists, do good things, speak softly and sweetly. Never injure or insult another, serve those in need and keep the image of God, ever before your mind’s eye.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1964.
从今天起下决心,只做有德之事,只怀善念,只和崇高的人为友,让你的心中只想着崇高的事。不要浪费任何一刻在闲聊、虚夸、和低级的娱乐。死神就偷偷跟在你身后,等着攫走你。看看美国总统肯尼迪 ── 死神如何躲在那里,伺机下手,他难道没有强大的士兵和安全人员来保护吗?一切都徒然无效,没有一位安全人员或装置能阻止死亡发生。所以,要趁还活着的时候,行善、说亲切悦耳的话。绝不伤害或侮辱他人,为有需要的人服务,脑海中永远有神的像。
When you offer every act of yours to God, your work becomes worship.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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