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521 如何在我们心中点燃一盏永恒闪耀的灵性智慧灯?
Nov 12, 2012: How can we light in our hearts, the lamp of spiritual wisdom that shall shine forever? Bhagawan benevolently guides us today.

If you want to light a lamp, you need four things - a container, oil, a wick and a match box. If any one of these is lacking, you cannot light the lamp. Similarly, to light the lamp of spiritual wisdom in your heart, you need – the container of detachment, wick of one-pointed concentration, matchstick of wisdom and the oil of devotion. Of these, the spirit of detachment (vairagya) is crucial. Detachment means absence of body attachment. The sense of possessiveness (mamakara) and the ego-feeling are the causes of this raga (disease). Eradicate this disease of attachment through the process of self-enquiry. When you realise the impermanence of the body and all the sensory experiences, you will naturally acquire detachment (vairagya). Discharge all your duties as an offering to God and treat your body solely as a God-given instrument for the purpose of serving others.
- Divine Discourse, 9 Nov 1988.
要点燃一盏灯,需要四件东西 ── 一个容器、油、灯芯和火柴盒,缺了任何一样,灯都点不燃。要点亮你的智能之灯,亦复如是,‘无着(不执着、心无所住)’是容器、‘一心专注’是灯芯、‘智能’是火柴、‘虔诚’是油。这其中,心无执着尤其关键,缺少‘无着’,所有你对经典的知识都没有用。‘无着’意为对身体没有执着,那种令人始终想着‘我’的自我感,必须加以抛弃,那种‘我’和‘我的’的心态,是造成执着迷恋的原因。如何拔除这个执着的病?靠自我探究。当你了悟到身体和一切感官经验的无常时,你自然就不再执着。这表示你应该尽自己的职责,把身体当做是上帝给予的一件工具,用来尽职责服务他人,不该只为了自己私人的目的而用。
The spiritual path is the path of detachment, of sense control, of rigorous mind training.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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