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520 世尊为什么要坚持我们大声的、全心全意的唱巴赞 ?
Nov 11, 2012: Why does Baba insist that we sing bhajans loudly and whole heartedly? He Himself explains to us today.

When a man falls into a well, of what use is it if he controls his voice and his emotions and whispers quietly, "I have fallen into this well... I have fallen into this well... I am in great danger... Please save me?” and so on. No one will be able to hear or save him. He must shout full-throated, with all the anguish he is experiencing and with the extreme desire to be saved. Then he can hope to get succour. Similarly, when you are caught in the coils of this world, when you have fallen into this deep well of worldly misery, shout with all your might and all your heart, that you may be saved by God. There is no use muttering faintly and half-heartedly, "Save me... I am floundering in this samsaar (worldly life)." When the prayer comes shrieking through the heart, help is assured. Sing with intense yearning for God and enjoy the experience of adoring Him.
- Divine Discourse, 14 Nov 1976.
By constantly contemplating on the form of the Lord and frequently repeating His name, you can fill your heart with the love of God.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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