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519 我们要如何参与巴赞? Akhanda Bhajan (24小时唱巴赞)有什么好处?
Nov 10, 2012: How should we participate in Bhajans? What are the benefits of an event such as the Akhanda Bhajan? Bhagawan explains to us today.

You must probe into the real significance of samkeerthan (or Bhajan singing) that you are engaged in. Keerthan is ‘singing aloud the Glory of God.’ Samkeerthan is the process of singing that originates in the heart, not from the lips or tongue. It is the expression of the joyous thrill that wells up from the heart when the Glory of God is remembered. It is the spontaneous manifestation of inner ecstasy, no attention is paid to the blame or praise that others may give. It does not seek the admiration or the appreciation of the listeners. It is sung for one's own joy, satisfaction and delight. Keerthan of this supreme type, alone, deserves the name samkeerthan. It is with this high purpose in view that this programme of global samkeerthan was designed. Singing this intense yearning for God and enjoying the experience of adoring Him, helps to purify the atmosphere. It is with this high purpose in view that this programme of global Akhanda Bhajan was designed.
- Divine Discourse, 14 Nov 1976.
你们一定要深入研究samkeerthan (巴赞)真正的涵义,keerthan是‘高声唱诵神的荣耀’,samkeerthan是从心中唱诵,而非来自嘴唇和舌头,它是当我们忆起神的荣耀时,从心中涌现的那股快乐,形诸于外,它是内在狂喜的自发显现,没有在注意别人的毁誉。它没有在寻求听众的赏识,纯粹是为了自己的喜悦、满足和快乐而唱。这种至高形式的Keerthan,才够资格称为Samkeerthan。唱出对神的渴望和享受这种敬拜祂的经验,有助于净化氛围。我们举行全球Samkeerthan(Akanda Bhajan:全球赛信徒围绕地球24小时唱巴赞),就是着眼于这个崇高目的。
Keep the name of the Lord always radiant on your tongue and mind, it will keep the tricks of the mind under control.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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