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517 我们应该拥有哪些好行为?它如何帮助改革我们的祖国?
Nov 8, 2012: How should our daily conduct be and how can that help reform our motherland? Bhagawan lovingly gives us guidance to lead our daily lives.

When students score low marks parents feel great grief. Similarly, when we fall low in morals and spiritual virtues, our motherland bemoans her fate ten times more sadly. We have to assuage the grief of the physical mother and promote the peace and prosperity of our motherland. The motherland is not a mere lump of earth. When we desire her progress, we have to promote the progress of the people who dwell therein. The skills needed for resuscitating and reforming are found in youth. The reforming process involves the removal, in daily living, of bad conduct and bad habits, and the practice of good conduct and good deeds.
- Divine Discourse, 22 Nov 1981.
One's true worth can be measured by the efforts they take to reform themselves.
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