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515 我执是一种影响每一个人的疾病,甚至是那些与主同在的人。世尊给与示例,并解释主的每一项行动都是为了信徒的利益。
Nov 6, 2012: Ego is a disease that can affect any, even those in the constant presence of the Lord. Bhagawan gives an example and explains how every act of the Lord is for the good of the devotee.

Egoism is the most dangerous illusion that has to be exploded and destroyed. Arjuna too suffered this ego. One day when Krishna brought the chariot back to camp, Arjuna wanted that like all charioteers, Krishna should get down first and open the door of the chariot for him. Krishna refused and insisted that Arjuna should alight before He does. At last Krishna won and Arjuna got down. As soon as Krishna left His seat and touched the ground, the chariot went up in flames! The fact was that the various fiery arrows that had the power of burning the chariot had actually hit the target, but due to the presence of Krishna, their igniferous powers could not manifest themselves. Realising this, humbled Arjuna; his egoism had a rude shock. He also realised that every action of Divinity was full of significance.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1964.
Yearn and work sincerely to win the Grace of the Lord – and all your accumulated burden will be burnt into ashes in just a moment!
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