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512 世尊 告诉我们一个在任何时间和地点都可执行Vedhapurusha Yajna(祭祀吠陀至高存有)的方法。 |
Oct 23, 2012: Bhagawan gives us a beautiful means of performing the Vedapurusha Yajna everyday, at any place.
Your heart is the ceremonial altar; your body is the fire place; your hair is the holy grass, darbha; wishes are the fuel-sticks with which the fire is fed; desire is the ghee that is poured into the fire to make it burst into flame; anger is the sacrificial animal; the fire is the tapas you accomplish. People sometimes interpret tapas as ascetic practices like standing on one leg, and so on. No, tapas is not physical contortion. It is the complete and correct coordination of thought, word and deed. When all words emanating from you are sweet, your breath becomes Rig Veda. When you restrict what you listen to and prefer only sweet speech, all that you hear becomes Saama gaana. When you do only sweet deeds, all that you do is Yajur homa. Thus, you will be performing every day the Vedhapurusha Yajna, the yajna which propitiates the Supreme Vedic Being.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 2, 1981. |
你的心是祭祀的神坛,你的身体是火堆,你的头发是圣草,愿望是灯芯,在灯芯上点火,欲望是清奶油,朝火上浇,让火焰燃之益炽;瞋心是献祭的动物,火则是你修tapa(苦行)得到的成就。人们有时候会将tapa解释为那些苦行,如单脚站立,等等。非也,tapa不是身体的折腾,而是身口意的完全协调一致。若你口中说出的话都亲切悦耳,则你的呼吸气息就成了梨俱吠陀(Rig Veda)。若你限制自己只听那些亲切悦耳的话,则你所听到的都成了Saama gaana(吟唱梨俱吠陀)。若你只做好的事,则你所做的都是Yajur Homa(夜柔吠陀火供)。如此一来,你每天都在做Vedhapurusha Yajna(祭祀吠陀至高存有)。
True sacrifice consists in sharing with others one’s wealth, strength and qualities, which are derived from society.
[赛的启示] |