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510 为什么我们应该欢迎生活中的考验?
Oct 21, 2012: Why should we welcome obstacles in our daily life? Bhagawan explains to us clearly.

Obstacles that come in the way are often treated with a certain amount of resentment by the pilgrims on the spiritual path. But these tests are to be treated as a means of ensuring safety. You drive a nail into the wall to place a picture thereon; but before hanging the photo, you try to see whether the nail has been well driven by shaking it; when you are certain it does not move a bit even when all your strength is used, you have the confidence to hang the picture on it. You must welcome tests because it gives you confidence and it ensures promotion.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 8, 1966.
Test all your actions, words and thoughts on this touchstone: “Will this be approved by God?”
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