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509 我们要如何处身于世俗中?在这神圣的‘神化身宣布日’,世尊赐给我们这个深奥的信息。
Oct 20, 2012: How should we lead our lives in the world? Bhagawan gives us this profound message on this holy Avatar Declaration Day.

All water is not potable. The stagnant pool is to be avoided, the flowing river is better. Select safe and pure water to drink. Use the mosquito net, but see that mosquitoes do not enter into the net, when you go to bed. Keep the mosquitoes away; do not imprison them inside the net. Sail in the boat that floats on water, but do not allow the water to enter the boat. So too, be in worldly life, but do not allow it to get into you. The lotus born in slime and mud rises up through water and lifts its head high above the water. It refuses to get wet though water is the element which gives it life. Be like the lotus.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 1, 1964.
If you are patient and calm, I shall grant you joy without fail. Do not yield to despair. Even the infant lotus buds will bloom, in their own good time.
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