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506 我们倾向于哪些会损害灵修进展的行为?
Oct 17, 2012: What is it that we tend to do to ourselves, that hurts our progress? Bhagawan explains with an example and also gives us a solution.

Like the silkworm that spins from out of itself the cocoon that proves to be its tomb, man spins from out of his mind the cage in which he gets trapped eventually. But there is a way of escape, which the spiritual teacher (Guru) can teach you or which the God in you will reveal to you. Take to the spiritual practices that will bring you relief. Take on the role of the Hero, not the Zero. Forget the past; do not worry about possible errors or disappointments. Decide and Do. There are some spiritual teachers who advise you to keep a daily diary, where you note down every item of evil that you did; they ask you to read it as a spiritual exercise and resolve to correct yourself. Well, reading it, and writing it will only tend to impress it more effectively on the mind. It is better to substitute good thoughts for the bad and cleanse the mind of all evil by dwelling on righteous deeds and holy thoughts. Forget the things that you do not want to remember. Bring to memory only those things that are worth remembering. That is the sane way to achieve spiritual progress.
- Divine Discourse, Jan 1, 1964.
人从心中织出一只笼子,最后自己陷入其中,犹如蚕做茧自缚。不过逃脱的办法是有的,上师能教你,你内在的上帝也能将之透露给你。要热衷于能带给你解脱的修行方法。做个Hero(英雄),不要做zero(零蛋)。忘掉过去,不要担心犯错或失望,下决定,然后去做。 有些上师会要你写日记,将自己做过的每一件恶行记录下来,然后要你去读它,并发心纠正自己,这样来修行。嗯,其实读它、写它只会让它在心中留下更深的印象,最好还是以善念取代恶念,让心中充满正直的行为和神圣的思想,来清除心中所有邪恶。忘掉那些你不想去记忆的事,只将值得记忆的事带进脑海中,这才是不疯狂的灵修进步之道。
Character is built up by constant practice of good actions.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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