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505 在世间不断的诱惑中,如何可以体验与神合一? |
Oct 16, 2012: How can we experience Oneness with the Divine, amidst the constant pulls of the World? Bhagawan explains to us today.
If only the agony and toil now being experienced by you to accumulate the symbols of wealth and power for keeping yourself and your family in comfort, are directed towards God, you can be infinitely happier. The veil of maya (illusion), however, hides from you the face of God which is shining from every being and thing around you. Maya creates the universe and attracts the mind with the vast paraphernalia of the objective world. It is a narthaki, an enchantress who entices the intelligence and traps the senses. This na-rtha-ki can be subdued by ki-rtha-na (note the re-ordering of the syllables). Kirthana is the concentrated contemplation of the glory of God.
- Divine Discourse, Sep 8, 1966. |
Be always attentive to the signs of His Glory, His Mercy and His Omnipresence.
[赛的启示] |